Make a donation.

We believe music unites us in a way that few things can.
Your support will make it possible to revitalize the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra.

Your foundational support will enable us to:

  • bring people together to inspire an appreciation for exceptional music

  • connect with new audiences and the next generation through interactive and educational opportunities

  • to foster the arts and humanity that unite us.

If you wish to make a donation by check, please make it out to FJC with a reference to the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra in the memo line and mail it to:

225 West 39th St, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10018.

All donations are 100% tax deductible. FJC is the fiscal sponsor of the Hudson Valley Symphony Orchestra; donations made through this page will appear on your credit card or bank statement listing FJC, but your donation will go to directly support the mission of the fund.

Nanette Koch, cello
Former Education Director of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic

“The joys are many: having a built-in outlet for my creative energies (where else do you go to "work" and call it "play"?); working together with a fine group of students to find the best ways to explain new concepts or refresh old ones; finding ways to present new programs in our schools and finding foundations and corporations able to fund them. I look forward to the time when every single school in the Hudson Valley will be able to have groups from the HVSO visiting on a regular basis, playing side by side with the students in concerts, performing for school assemblies, or being used as a resource by music teachers and students."

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